New Patients are welcome and Booking Now!

Book Session to Session Pricing
Fast and convenient booking options for Physiotherapy, Concussion assessment, TMJ assessment and Motor vehicle accident assessment.

Fixed Fee Rehab & Performance Services
Comprehensive programs with multiple combined services to reach your performance or injury rehab goals.

One on one Professional Sessions
Receive the personal service you need with private sessions.

A Philosophy You Can Live By
Using education, exercise and empathy Empower Physiotherapy supports patients in achieving their physical goals.
Empower Physio seeks to provide holistic rehabilitation with care and consideration for each patient’s unique needs pushing them to move and stay active with confidence.
Everyone at Empower Physiotherapy wishes to show our community the importance of investing time and energy into your physical and mental well being .


Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you, at Empower Physio our knowledgeable and friendly staff are ready to help you get started!
Fill out just a few simple questions to help us get to know you:
15170 – 127 Street NW, Suite 203
Edmonton, AB T6V 0C5
587-416-4922 |
9am – 6pm: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9am – 12pm Saturday